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Before the World Stood Still

Three months in Bocas del Toro. One current office. Caribbean island vibes. A few talented surfers together in a privileged stretch of sand. An unforgettable season at this amazing surfing destination in Panama.

Soil dirt on hands

Bumpy ride around the island in the dark. Sunrise on the beach. Barrels for breakfast, everyday the same yet so different. Crazy beach break slabs with seasoned tube hound Lucas Rogers and a slew of other characters from around the world. Spitting barrels, beatdowns, broken boards, old and new friends, rain, sun, snakes, sloths, monkeys, carnival madness and much more.

The new video BEFORE THE WORLD STOOD STILL shows how amazing the last season in Bocas del Toro was, with a crew even better than the waves we scored.

We had to leave the island a few days before most of the airports closed in the beginning of the pandemic on march/20. But we feel blessed to look back and realize how incredible this last season was in Bocas del Toro with a crew even better than the waves we scored. Check out the video BEFORE THE WORLD STOOD STILL, that shows the perfection of the Bocas tubes in this collection of images taken at a privileged stretch of sand of this surf destination in Panama.

Land Footage & edit: Lorena Montenegro

Water & aerial footage: Alex Thompson

Produced by: Moana Filmes

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